December 30, 2012
Why are you here?
I often tell the story of how First United Methodist Church in Salina became our church home. We moved here in June of 2006. It was a priority to find a church. Although we were members of the UMC in the small western town that we came from, we were not raised in the UMC. We decided to go to some different churches and felt that when we found the right one, it would feel like “home”. So we did just that.
We left some of them feeling that they were cold and distant. We left others feeling like we had just attended a rock concert that lacked any spiritual connection for us. And some, we were just trying to get out of there as soon as possible while holding in our uncomfortable giggles.
Then we came here.
Do you remember the summer of 2006? We walked in from the circle drive, down the steps, and took a left into the worship area. That’s right…blue paint, folding chairs, and a bad sound system.
But that isn’t what we saw. We were warmly welcomed by a loving congregation. We connected with the music. The message was powerful and meaningful. I have cried through many services in this church…including some of those at the very beginning. When we left, we knew we wanted to come back.
And we did.
I don’t know how long we attended before we realized that the sanctuary was actually above us. And I remember catching my first glimpse of it that December…and being in awe of the beauty of it. I was amazed at the faithfulness and generosity of the people who would give so much to renovate this beautiful space.
I realized that this was not a church of people who were inward focused. They (YOU) were interested in furthering God’s Kingdom in the world. This building is a beautiful yet functional tool of the church—God’s people.
Our children began making connections through the Children and Youth ministry programs. We know that FUMC is to be credited for helping us transition our children from small town western Kansas to the big city. (And YES…this was a BIG city to us!) This was especially true for Tana who was beginning those awkward middle school years. What a rough time for us to uproot her whole world.
But ministry wasn’t just happening within these walls. The more we got involved, the more we saw how First United Methodist Church was (and IS) reaching out to the community of Salina and the world. And that was (and is) important to us.
In fact, I believe that it is important to all Christians. After all, Jesus came as God reaching out to this world.
Paul’s letter to the people of Colossae gives us specific instructions on how we, God’s people, should BE God’s people. He tells us to “clothe” ourselves in:
• Compassion
• Kindness
• Humility
• Gentleness
• Patience
I like that Paul chose the word “clothe”.
By saying that we “clothe” ourselves in these things he seems to be acknowledging that this is not our natural state. We must choose to put on these things…even though they may be uncomfortable or not fit properly. Maybe they are a bit scratchy to our skin. And yet, we should wrap ourselves in them and learn to be comfortable in them.
Did any of you get a new coat or new shoes for Christmas? They don’t feel quite right when we wear them that first or second time, do they? Yet, as we continue to wear them, they begin to feel right. They become a part of us—normal, familiar, “broken in”.
Well, these “clothes” that Paul talks about are the same way.
Compassion. What does it mean to “clothe” oneself in compassion? It means that we wrestle to overcome our own biases and try to put ourselves in the shoes of others. This isn’t always easy. Sometimes we are unable to relate to the situations of others. In fact, when this is the case, it’s very easy to become judgmental. We are not called to judge the world.
Nothing teaches us more about compassion than being put in a situation where we ourselves need compassion. Now…I don’t believe that God makes bad things happen to us to teach us compassion. But, I do believe that God uses the bad things that happen to us, or that we bring upon ourselves, to teach us compassion. We have all survived experiences that have made us more compassionate to others who may one day go through the same thing.
In what ways has God helped you learn compassion? To whom might He need you to show compassion to in the future?
Kindness. What does it mean to “clothe” oneself in kindness? Being kind isn’t about what you do as much as it is about how and why you do it.
Let’s say that you and I meet for coffee and I surprise you by paying the tab and leaving a tip. Am I being kind? Well, the act itself seems like a kind thing to do. But is it kind if I’m needing a favor from you so I’m doing it with the hope of getting something better in return? Is it kind if I do it because I want to impress you (or others) so I pay the bill and then resent that you let me do such a thing?
Kindness doesn’t expect paybacks or recognition. In fact, Paul uses the word “kind” in his letter to the people of Corinth to describe love. Do you remember that he says that “Love is patient. Love is kind.” I’d like to share of story of kindness with you.
A few weeks ago, a young clerk at Target shared this story as a post on facebook.
“Cried today at work... An elderly man who openly stated that he didn't have much, couldn't read or write, came through my lane today. I've had a cold so making conversation with people today wasn't my top priority. This man was so kind and generous and he put a smile on my face. He was buying necessities and toys for children. He asked me to double bag his purchases because he was walking. When it came time to ring him up, I assisted him with writing a check. However, his check didn't go through and he had no other way to pay. It broke my heart that this kind man wasn't able to pay for his things. I sadly watched him go as the next customers came up. They were obviously annoyed with the wait so I went through quickly. Then I see a young lady about my age catch up with the elderly man and offered to pay for his things. I started tearing up. He kept saying thank you so much, thank you and she replied, 'Merry Christmas.' I was trying so hard to not visibly cry but it all came out when the girl turned to look at me and was crying too.”
Nothing was expected in return. This simple act was done quietly with silent tears by a young girl who was clothed with the compassion and kindness of Christ.
Humility. Now here’s a tough one. What does it mean to “clothe” oneself in humility? Have any of you read “The Purpose-Driven Life” by Rick Warren? It’s been out now for several years and I’ve given it to many people since its publication. It begins with four words that define humility in my mind….”It’s not about you.” It’s not about you! It’s not about me! Man, that’s a tough concept to swallow. Even as I prepared for this message today, I fought the urge to worry about how I would come across, how I would look before you this morning, how my words might affect you…and I reminded myself that it is NOT about me!
In the book of John, Jesus tells a parable about the vine and the branches. John 15:5 says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” We would do well to remember this when we are patting ourselves on the back.
Humility requires that we understand that our accomplishments are not ours. Our good fortune? Not ours. Even our acts of kindness…they would accomplish nothing apart from Christ. “Apart from me you can do nothing.”
Gentleness. How do we clothe ourselves with gentleness? Aren’t kindness and gentleness the same thing? Well, no. We can offer to dust mother’s china. That’s a kind thing to do. But there is a difference between gently and roughly dusting the China! When we do something with gentleness, we do it with care, with caution, with tenderness. In fact, sometimes the most kind thing to do is a painful thing—and that’s when our gentleness is the most important.
When I was in first grade I had to start taking allergy shots. Each Thursday (and I hated Thursdays for years and years!) I had to go to the clinic and get a shot in each arm until I was a junior in high school. My skin got tough over those year and the nurses often could not be very gentle.
Do you remember taking your new baby for his or her first immunizations? We get our children immunized because we love them…we are being kind by protecting them. And we expect those who are giving these injections to be as gentle as possible.
Sometimes we must give someone hurtful news. It’s the kind thing to do. So we need to do so with gentleness…a soft touch. We need to take as much of the sting out of it as we can. Be gentle with one another.
Patience. How do we clothe ourselves with patience? Well, look at the list. It these things are in place, patience is a natural outcropping of them. It requires compassion, kindness, humility, and gentleness. I think that is why so many of us struggle with it! It is a combination of the others! In fact, patience (you may remember) is a fruit of the spirit. One way that we can gauge whether or not we are growing in grace, is to look at our patience level. Practice patience. Pray for patience.
Besides this clothing…Paul also tells us to “bear” with each other. The verb “bear” means to hold up or support. “Bearing” something is not pleasant. So when Paul instructs us to “bear” with each other, we are being called to enter into one another’s suffering and be a support. Ugh! Paul! The other things were sweet and light. They didn’t require sacrifice.
And then he really drops the bomb when he tells us to forgive one another…pointing out that we ourselves have received forgiveness from the Lord. Forgiveness.

Is there someone who has wronged you? Someone who has disappointed and hurt you? Are you feeling anger toward someone because of a wrong they have committed? Well then, you have been given an opportunity to show grace…to offer forgiveness.
"But they don’t deserve it!", you might say. Hmph…neither did I…neither did you.
He tells us to “put on” love which will bind it all together…perfectly. But Paul doesn’t stop there. He goes on with more specific instructions:
• Let the “peace of Christ rule your hearts”
• Be thankful.
• Learn about Christ. Teach about Christ. Correct one another. Sing to God! All with grateful hearts.
• Do everything in Jesus’ name while giving thanks.
We each must examine ourselves. Are we doing these things? • Compassion • Kindness • Humility • Gentleness • Patience • Bearing with each other • Forgiving one another • Being at peace. • Being thankful. • Learning. • Teaching. • Singing. • Being grateful.
But we can’t stop there. We, as Americans, are fiercely independent people. It’s a western mindset that we have. But we are all member of one body…the body of Christ…the church. What are we doing as a church to carry out Paul’s instructions? What are we doing to be God’s people?
Well, we are doing things. In fact, I started this sermon by sharing with you some of the things that First United Methodist Church was doing that helped us see Christ working through this body.
1. Inviting people in our doors.
2. Missions—food bank, Lisa in Honduras, Operation Christmas Child, Salvation Army… And in 2013, it is important that we continue to expand the opportunities that we have as a congregation to be God’s people.
3. Lifetree Café. Have you come to Lifetree Café yet? Lifetree Café is an opportunity to reach out to those in our community who (for whatever reason) don’t come to church. It’s a way to participate in conversations that allow people to express their questions and doubts while helping them get to know the God who loves them. There is a card in your bulletin. If you are interested in this ministry, mark the appropriate box so we can follow up. If you are unsure, come Wednesday night and check it out. You won’t be disappointed.
Those who have been active in this ministry from the beginning, see great potential for it. Come join us and help us discover what God has in store for this ministry.
4. Service. One of the things I have realized throughout this year is that ministry always starts with a need. With Lifetree Café, the “need” is the large number of people out there who don’t have a relationship with Christ. But there are lots of other needs in Salina.
Beginning on January 12, we as a congregation will have the opportunity monthly to do something about these needs. With nothing expected or wanted in return. This is a way for us to corporately carry out our responsibility as the Body of Christ. It’s called “First in Service”. Although it’s the 2nd Saturday in January, every other month this year it will be held on the third Saturday.
On this day from 9:00 to 11:00 we will come together to meet some needs. Each month it will change. One need each month may be a church need, but the other will come from the community. When you come to the church, you will have options. Will you use your SHAPE to put together flyers for the Parade of Lights or will you use your SHAPE to knit a pad for the kittens at the local animal shelter. Will you bake cookies that will be delivered to the Morrison house or will you craft a bowl for a fundraiser for the food pantry?
Each month it will change. Each month you will get to try something new when you can fit it into your schedule. There is no financial requirement…just your time and the use of your gifts and talents are needed.
So…do you know your SHAPE? Do you know how God has gifted you for service in HIS kingdom? If you don’t, another “Finding Your SHAPE” class is coming up quickly! But sometimes, the best way to discover your passions is to just give some different things a try.
Everyone is welcome. Come. Let’s be God’s people together in 2013.
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