Monday, March 7, 2011

Rob Bell and Universalism

I want to start out by saying that I have learned much from Rob Bell's teaching.  He is engaging and insightful.  The man has been a leader in taking the art of preaching to a new that teaches and also delights the listener.  

This is even more cause for concern over his theological views.

The Bible supports this stance when James says (3:1-2),  "Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check."

Nobody is perfect.  There are times that we get things wrong.  There are things in the Bible that are hard to understand and vague.  Many things are subject to interpretation.  Everybody has an opinion.

However, this is not one of those things.

Jesus taught us that hell is real.  It's a place of eternal torment.  Once you are there, there is no leaving.  We get one shot at life and then we are judged.  If we have chosen a life without God, He loves us enough to grant us what we eternity without him. 

This is not my teaching.  This is Jesus' teaching.  I have many questions about hell that may never be answered.  I actually hope that most of these answers are never revealed to me.  However, God has revealed the facts above to us all through the Bible.

What I'm sharing here is not special insight that God revealed specifically to me.  It is not vague.  It is not something we have to interpret.  Jesus makes this quite clear.

However, it is not currently politically correct.  This view is not culturally acceptable.  People simply don't want to hear the truth.

"That is not fair!  God would not do something that is not fair!"  Correct.  God is just.  However, we are all sinners so "fairness" would indicate to me that we should ALL pay the price for our sin.  So if we are going to use this view, shouldn't we all go to hell?

"But God is loving!  A loving God would not send people to a place of torment for eternity!"  God is loving.  He is so loving, in fact, that He sent His Son to pay the price for our sins so that we would not have to pay this price.  What a beautiful gift from a loving God!  All we have to do is accept this precious gift through faith in Jesus.

1Timothy 2 tells us that God "wants us all to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth."  He must mourn when we choose to deny Him.  How would you feel if you sacrificed to give your child a gift, and he/she took it and just threw it in the trash?  He loves us all.  He desires that we all choose Him.  And He gives us the free will to decide for ourselves.

(Although I do not want to start a discussion of election here, I will say that I am convinced that God also "chooses" people He will save.  Since the Bible indicates that he wants all people to be saved, the defining factor seems to be faith.  Does faith come through our free will or through God's grace?  I think both.  But we can discuss this at a later time.)

Honestly, as I've listened to Bell's podcasts and also as I read his book, "Velvet Elvis", red flags were raised in my mind.  And I have conveniently dismissed them.  Darn it.  I like the guy.  I like how he teaches!  I love that he loves God and has made it his life's mission to bring more followers to Christ!  I did not want to find fault with him!  Christians get enough criticism without other Christian's pointing fingers at them!

However, Bell should be rebuked for this misleading theology.  In fact, other Christians have a responsibility to call him out...especially on such a foundational issue.

The recent press about his new book, "Love Wins", was not my first inclination that something was wrong, it was the tipping point.  I was finally pushed over the edge...just by the video promo.  Yes, I'll read the book when it comes out. 

In fact, I listen to and read many different teachers that have different points of view.  Even atheists.  I think it is important that Christians hear different perspectives and work to improve their ability to discern with the help of the Holy Spirit.  If we only listen to one side of a story, we never really consider the others sides after all.

So, even after the hubbub started last week, I found myself listening to one of Rob's podcasts on my way to an appointment out of town.  The podcast was on Matthew 25

Take a listen.

First of all, Bell misses the point when discussing this parable.  Every commentary I've ever read on this scripture agrees that this story is about those who will not be "ready" when Jesus comes for them.  Bell seems to think being "ready" means something different than I do.  His emphasis is on works while mine would be faith (which, by the way, leads to works).

But he actually goes on to say that grace is for us all. "That's why religion can be so destructive. That's why being a part of a faith system can be so lethal. Because it can ever so subtly teach you, 'Well, if I do the right thing, you know if...I'm moral. I'm righteous. I believe in Jesus.' No. It's grace. It's grace."

What?  Bell equates moralism, self-righteousness, and belief in Jesus?

I agree, being moral doesn't give us grace.
I agree, being righteous does not give us grace. (Well, it would if we could, but we can't, so it won't.)
But, I do NOT agree with the last statement.  Believing in Jesus DOES give us grace.  We are saved by grace through our faith in Jesus Christ!

Those who do not believe do not receive this free gift.  

Rob Bell is preaching universalism.

How dangerous is this?  So what if he's leading listeners to believe that all people will go to heaven?  Why is this a big deal?  At this point, I'm not sure if Bell even believes there is such a thing as hell.  But the rub comes when one considers that Bell is choosing to teach doctrine that is in direct opposition to the teaching of Jesus.  

If Bell has this wrong, what else does he have wrong?  What exactly is Jesus' message to us through His teaching?  Can we rely on a teacher who lacks discernment about a matter that is directly addressed by Jesus to have discernment over more controversial matters?

I believe that God reveals himself to people in His time and in His way.  Maybe God closed Bell's eyes to this truth for a reason, and He will open them now.  I pray that this is the case.  We need engaging preachers to fight to bring more people to the truth of the Bible... the TRUTH of the Bible.

We need teachers who are willing and able to share the truth.  As Bell would ask, "Are you with me?"